As you may have noticed my old blog, All Stories Are True, has migrated over here to my shiny new website. Those of you who have followed me in the past know that I disappeared for awhile there. My last blog post was on the death of my father and then…nothing. Part of what I called ‘the big blank’ is because my family was digesting the huge change that came with Dandy’s passing. Part of it was because our family itself was changing: adjusting to life back in America, graduating college kids, new high school daughter, new puppy, new house. My husband commuted to London for over two years and every Herrick, big and small was a little upside down and inside out. Finally, I was writing The Sparrow Sisters, or at least trying to.
Writing a novel was not something I ever planned to do so naturally it, and I, were a bit of a mess. Well, now the novel is done and it will be out September 1st and, unnervingly, I am working on a second project. So, I am back in the writing and blogging saddle and I hope you will all join me for the ride!